In a bizarre turn of events, a man from Noida, Uttar Pradesh, recently faced the consequences of a 17-year-long deception. The shocking incident unfolded in Gujarat, where the accused not only faked his own death but took a beggar's life to claim insurance money. Let's dive into the twisted details of this  tale.

Unveiling a Shocking Crime: Man Fakes Death, Murders Beggar for Insurance Money, Arrested 17 Years Later

The Deceptive Plot

The mastermind behind this macabre scheme was Anil Singh Malek (39), a resident of Gautam Buddha Nagar, Uttar Pradesh. In 2004, Anil, along with his father Vijaypal and brother Abhya, orchestrated a plan to fraudulently claim an insurance amount of Rs 80 lakh. The trio purchased a new hatchback car and a Jeevan Mitra policy from LIC, insuring Anil for Rs 20 lakh. The policy stipulated a fourfold payout in case of the policyholder's accidental death.

Targeting the Vulnerable

To execute their sinister plan, the Malek family, aided by associates Mahipal Gadaria and Rakesh Khatik, set out to find a vulnerable target. In July 2006, they identified a beggar near the Agra toll booth as their prey. The beggar was taken to a hotel, where he was fed a meal laced with anesthetic.

The Gruesome Act

After rendering the beggar unconscious, the perpetrators strategically placed him in the front seat of the car. The vehicle was then crashed into an electric pole, causing it to catch fire. In a gruesome attempt to erase any traces, the trio poured petrol on the body before setting it ablaze. The Agra Police, investigating the sudden death, identified the charred remains as Anil, allowing the family to claim the insurance and perform his last rites.

Anil's Escape to Ahmedabad

Following the insurance payout, Anil fled to Ahmedabad, adopting a new identity as Rajkumar Chaudhary. Living in anonymity, he managed to keep his actions hidden even from his wife, who believed herself to be a widow for 17 years. Anil's successful escape involved changing not only his name but also obtaining new documents, including a Voter ID card, driving license, PAN card, and Aadhar card.

A Double Life Unraveled

Anil's secretive existence in Ahmedabad took a surprising turn in recent days. Acting on a tip-off, the city crime branch discovered his whereabouts. Anil, now leading a seemingly normal life as a taxi driver, was confronted by the police. Despite presenting fake identity documents, he broke down when questioned about the beggar's death, ultimately confessing to the crime.


The beggar murder case, buried for 17 years, has finally come to light, exposing the dark underbelly of deception and crime. Anil Singh Malek's arrest serves as a stark reminder that justice may be delayed, but it will eventually prevail. As this shocking tale unfolds, it emphasizes the importance of thorough investigations and the relentless pursuit of truth, even in cases hidden beneath layers of deceit.