In the heart of Uttarakhand, a harrowing tale of survival is unfolding. 41 workers are trapped in a tunnel in Silkyara village of Uttarkashi, their lives hanging in the balance. The rescue operation has been ongoing for 9 days, and the workers' patience is wearing thin. Their voices are growing weaker, their questions more desperate: "When will you get us out? Are you doing anything to save us?"

Tunnel Trapped: The Fight for Survival in Uttarakhand

A Test of Patience

The workers were stranded on Diwali, with initial estimates suggesting they would be rescued within 72 hours. However, as the days passed, the deadline kept extending. On the 9th day, the rescue team announced that they were exploring 6 options to reach the workers, but it would take another two to two and a half days. With over 200 hours already passed, it's only natural for patience to wear thin.

Families in Waiting

Outside the tunnel, family members wait in anticipation. Husbands, sons, and brothers are trapped inside, and the wait is agonizing. Since Diwali, several festivals have passed, but the families, hopeful for their loved ones' safe return, have barely eaten. The thought of what the 41 people inside the tunnel might be enduring is heart-wrenching.

A Lifeline Through a Pipe

Despite the despair, there is a glimmer of hope. Puffed rice, dry fruits, medicines, and oxygen are being sent through a four-inch pipeline to the trapped workers. This pipeline has become their lifeline. ORS to prevent dehydration, Vitamin B and Vitamin C tablets are keeping them alive. Anti-depression medicines are also being administered to help them maintain their mental balance in these trying times.

A Ray of Light in the Darkness

Fortunately, electricity supply is still running in a two-kilometer stretch inside the tunnel, providing the workers with light. A water pipeline laid during the construction of the tunnel is quenching their thirst. The rescue team has now succeeded in delivering a six-inch pipe to the workers, through which they can receive bread.

Nitin Gadkari's 6-Point Action Plan

Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has outlined a 6-point action plan to save the workers. Drilling will be done from six places, with the first plan involving strengthening the roof by drilling a 900 mm pipe in the tunnel with an auger machine. Vertical digging is being done at the ending point of the tunnel, and robots will be sent into the empty space between the debris and the tunnel. A 6-inch life support system will be inserted in the middle of the tunnel, and an escape tunnel is planned to be drilled on the left and right sides of the tunnel. Teams of RBNL, SGNB, THDC, and ONGC have been assigned different responsibilities.
This story is a testament to human resilience and the power of hope. As the world watches, we pray for the safe return of the trapped workers.