A recent incident that unfolded the emergence of a deepfake video, featuring the acclaimed actress Rashmika Mandanna, has ignited a nationwide discourse within the Indian society. This fabricated video, extensively disseminated across various social media platforms, harnessed the power of artificial intelligence to seamlessly graft Mandanna's visage onto the visual tapestry of Zara Patel, a prominent British-Indian social media influencer. This episode has provocatively raised profound apprehensions regarding the unethical employment of AI technology and the rampant proliferation of misinformation.

Deepfake Video Case: Central Government Takes Action

Government's Proactive Measures

In response to this unsettling event, the Central Government has taken a decisive stance, releasing an advisory directed at social media platforms. The advisory serves as a reminder of the legal tenets encompassing the creation and dissemination of such deepfakes and the associated punitive measures. Drawing attention to Section 66D of the Information Technology Act, 2000, which pertains to 'penalties for fraudulent conduct employing computer resources,' the government has underscored that those found guilty of perpetrating fraud via any communication device or computer resource may face imprisonment for a maximum of three years and a financial penalty of up to Rs 1 lakh.

The Outcry of the Masses

The incident has galvanized a vociferous public outcry, with a groundswell of demands for more stringent regulations to counteract the propagation of deepfakes. Amitabh Bachchan, Mandanna's co-star in the cinematic production 'Goodbye,' emerged as one of the foremost voices demanding legal repercussions. Mandanna herself took to Instagram to voice her profound disquiet, expressing the deep-seated emotional distress she endured upon witnessing the fabricated video. She passionately called for immediate action to preempt further victimization of unsuspecting individuals by such insidious acts.

The Peril of Deepfakes

In the realm of manipulated media, deepfake videos stand as a product of artificial intelligence's ingenuity. These intricately crafted fabrications employ AI methodologies to substitute an individual's visage or vocalization with that of another entity, resulting in a persuasive illusion that the subject of the video is engaging in activities they have never actually undertaken.

The orchestration of deepfake videos relies on a fusion of encoder and decoder networks, frequently operating within the domain of a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN). The encoder network dissects the source content, such as the unaltered countenance, meticulously extracting pivotal characteristics and representations. Subsequently, these extracted attributes are transmitted to the decoder network, which, in turn, conjures fresh content, notably a manipulated visage. This iterative process persists until the AI attains the desired outcome. For video deepfakes, this meticulous procedure is meticulously enacted for each individual frame, ensuring seamless congruency.

To ascertain the authenticity of deepfake videos, one should meticulously scrutinize the presence of visual and auditory incongruities and additional distinctive indicators:

Facial Gestures and Aberrations:  Seek out any peculiar or unnatural facial expressions, instances of desynchronized lip movements, or sporadic and irregular blinking patterns.

Audiatory Disparities:  Exercise a discerning ear to discern any abrupt shifts in tonality, pitch, or idiosyncratic speech patterns, especially in instances where the video's veracity is questionable.

As technological progress forges ahead, the endeavor of unearthing deepfakes becomes progressively more formidable, underscoring the imperative necessity for enhanced detection techniques and the ethical deployment of artificial intelligence.


The episode unfurling around Rashmika Mandanna's deepfake video serves as an indelible cautionary tale regarding the inherent perils of misapplied AI technology. It resoundingly underscores the urgency underpinning the implementation of rigorous regulations and legal provisions designed to staunch the unbridled dissemination of deepfakes and shield unsuspecting individuals from falling prey to this technological chicanery. In our ongoing odyssey through the digital epoch, it is incumbent upon us to remain ever-vigilant and proactively address these pressing challenges.